Who is The Naked Scientist?
The story behind The Naked Scientist
Dr. Seymour’s husband found her standing in the kitchen (wearing not much more than a swimsuit) more often than not as she tried different potions on patches of her skin.
After telling him, “The Naked Scientist strikes again!” more times than she can count, she decided to name her natural skin-care line The Naked Scientist. It tells her story and represents her skin-care line well in that every product is 100% All Natural/Organic, AKA: Naked.
Dr. Seymour is a clinical psychologist who has been on a quest to improve her health and quality of life as a result of dealing with skin issues caused from exposure to toxic chemicals in the USAF, further exacerbated by exposure to pesticides & formaldehyde in carpet. Physicians at the best hospital in the world could not get to the root of the issue or resolve her symptoms. Ultimately, they gave up, but she did not.
Over the last decade, Dr. Seymour has been working to create natural (AKA Naked) products to improve overall skin health and bring relief to painful conditions for herself and others.
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